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O’Brien Training Ltd.’s policy is to ensure that all employees, contractors and visitors at their worksites are protected from occupational exposure to communicable diseases in a manner that complies with the BC Worker’s Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, as well as human rights legislation and any relevant provincial health authorities.

The purpose of the COVID-19 Safety Plan is to ensure the risk of transmission of the infectious agent SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus is minimized at our worksites.  All employees must follow the procedures outlined in this plan. 

This document will be reviewed and updated with major changes (e.g. significant operational changes) warrant, as well as the completion of an annual review and monthly meeting reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented controls including procedures and COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan.

This plan meets the recommendations outlined in the BC Centre for Disease Control, specifically, COVID-19:  Protecting Workers, Contractors, and Employers Working in the Natural Resource Sector During the COVID-19 Pandemic-May 13, 2020 which can be resourced at; and the Class Order issued by the Provincial Health Officer-Workplace COVID-19 Safety Plans-May 14, 2020


Each group or individual listed below is required to execute all assigned responsibilities, per the company’s OHS Program as well as the COVID-19 related responsibilities outlined below:

  • Employer

  • Ensure all resources and materials required to implement and maintain this plan are readily available where and when they are required.

  • Ensure that workers are able to maintain social distancing as far as reasonably possible,

  • Select, implement and document the appropriate site-specific control measures

  • Ensure that supervisors and workers are educated and trained to an acceptable level of competency regarding the risk of COVID-19 and controls that must be utilized.

  • Maintain records of safety inspections and worker training, and

  • Ensure a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan and procedures is available to workers.

  • Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator (Coordinator) 

  • Their roles as CDCL include:

    • Overseeing outbreak prevention and management practices;  

    • Acting as the worksite single point of contact for communication with Northern Health;

    • Directing the CDCP program for the project/camp. 

  • Their responsibilities as CDCL include:

    • Implementing, monitoring and assessing activities.

  • Have the decision-making authority required to complete these activities (with direct access to the appropriate management personnel to implement programs and policies; e.g. enforcing work exclusion and remuneration policies for ill individuals).

  • Provide oversight for the implementation of the COVID-19 Safety Plan

  • Supervisory personnel

    • Ensure workers are adequately instructed on mitigation controls for the exposure hazards at the worksite;

    • Ensure workers use proper respirators (when required), have clean shaven faces (when using respirators) and have been properly fit tested with results recorded;

    • Ensure physical distancing (2 meters/6 feet) is maintained;

    • Direct work in a manner that eliminates or minimizes the risk to workers;

    • Monitor all work activity, document the observations and immediately correct non-conformance. All non-conformance events will be documented;

    • Ensure that workers are adequately instructed on the specific COVID-19 controls implemented at their site (including locations of hand washing stations, disinfecting/cleaning supplies, etc.);

    • Ensure physical (social) distancing (2m/6ft) is maintained as far as is reasonable possible;

    • Direct work in a manner that eliminates or minimizes the risk of worker exposure;

    • Implement/manage this COVID-19 Safety Plan and all associated documents;

    • Assist in the selection of controls to eliminate or minimize the risk of worker exposures;

    • Ensure all related safety documents and records are properly maintained.

  • Employees

  • Maintain physical distancing (2 meters/6 feet) as far as reasonable possible;

  • Know the exposure hazards of the workplace;

    • Follow established work procedures as directed by the company or supervisor staff;

    • Ask for assistance whenever they are unsure of a safe practice;

    • Use any required PPE as instructed (including having a clean-shaven face if required to use a respirator);

    • Follow the company’s requirements for symptoms or potential exposure;

    • Report any unsafe conditions or acts to the supervisor.

  • Visitors/contractors/service providers/others

  • Report to designated Company contact upon arrival at the site;

  • Maintain physical (social) distance of a minimum of 2m (6 feet); and

  • Utilize all required COVID-19 controls as directed by the site contact.



The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads in several ways.  


Direct contact

Larger liquid droplets are generated when a person coughs or sneezes.  If a person is infected with or is carrying the virus that causes COVID-19, the droplets they generate may also carry the virus.  If a healthy worker is nearby the virus can enter through these droplets into the eyes, nose or throat of individuals who are nearby. 

Coughing or sneezing into your arm and maintain social distancing of 2m/6ft) from other workers at all times will reduce the risk of direct contact transmission.

Close personal contact

Individual infected with or carrying the COVID-19 virus may transfer droplets containing the virus to their skin or clothing when coughing or sneezing.  These droplets may be transferred to healthy workers who come into close personal contact with these individuals (e.g. via shaking hands); if the worker then touches his/her face with contaminated hands, he/she may also become infected with the virus.  

Washing your hands with soap and water regularly and avoiding touching your face will reduce the risk of close personal contact transmission.

Contact with contaminated surfaces

If an individual who is infected with or carrying the COVID-19 virus coughs/sneezes in proximity to or touches shared surfaces with contaminated hands, droplets containing the virus may be deposited.  A health worker who then touches the surface (e.g. table, doorknob, steering wheel, tool, etc.) and subsequently touches his/hers eyes, nose or mouth may become infected with the virus.

In addition, the virus may be spread across multiple surfaces by touching a contaminated surface and subsequently touching other surfaces.  COVID-19 can persist on surfaces for several days.

Frequent cleaning/disinfecting of surfaces and proper hand-hygiene will reduce the risk of contact with contaminated surfaces transmission. 


The following risk assessment table from the Guideline for Risk Assessment for COVID-19 (Adapted from OHSRG 6.34-6) has been used as a guideline to classify the level of risk of workers exposure to COVID-19 virus either through close physical proximity or through contaminated surfaces. 



Workers who typically have no contact with people infected with COVID-19


Workers who may be exposed to people from time to time in relatively large, well-ventilated workplaces.


Workers who may have contact with infected patients, or with infected people small, poorly ventilated workplaces. 




Yes – washing with soap and water, using an alcohol-based rub or using disinfecting 

hand wipes)


Yes – washing with soap and water, using an alcohol-based rub or using disinfecting 

hand wipes)


Yes – washing with soap and water, using an alcohol-based rub or using disinfecting 

hand wipes)




Not Required


Not Required 

(unless handling contaminated objects on a regular basis)


Yes – in some cases (i.e. when working directly with COVID-19 patients)




Not Required


Not Required


Yes – in some cases (i.e. when working directly with COVID-19 patients)




Not Required


Not Required


Yes – in some cases (i.e. when working directly with COVID-19 patients)




Not Required


Not Required (unless likely to be exposed to coughing and sneezing)


Yes – minimum N95 respirator or equivalent



O’Brien Training Ltd.


Area Assessed 

Office including lunchroom(s), meeting room(s), offices, etc.

External Exposure Potential

Visitors, delivery persons, contractors

Internal Exposure Potential 

Administration Staff, Management, Employees

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures 

  • Education signage posted (physical distancing, COVID-19 information, personal hygiene practices (hand washing instructions), cleaning high touch surfaces)

  • Rearrange work spaces to ensure that workers are at least 2m (6ft) from co-workers (approximately 5 square metres of unencumbered floor space per person) 

  • Limit access to site to workers, staff and company vehicles

  • Clean common areas and surfaces at the start and end of the day

  • At a minimum, sanitize personal work areas daily

  • Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer

  • Reduce in person meetings 

  • Remove garbage at the end of each day

  • Clearly define a delivery area

  • Conduct daily safety briefings—reinforce measures to prevent infection and transmission including that of frequent hand washing and avoidance of touching your face

  • Upon arrival, all individuals must complete the pre-screening worksite access form prior to completing any interaction with any company staff

  • Workers must complete a daily health check before commencing work.



Area Assessed 

Training Site

External Exposure Potential

Visitors, mechanics

Internal Exposure Potential 

Instructors, students

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures

  • Clean common areas and surfaces at the start and end of the day

  • At a minimum, sanitize personal work areas daily.

  • Regular hand washing or the use of hand sanitizer

  • Post hand washing instructions and reminders

  • Remove garbage at the end of each day 

  • Limit access to maintenance shop to mechanics only

  • Rearrange work spaces to ensure that workers are at least 2m (6ft) from co-workers (approximately 5 square metres of unencumbered floor space per person) 

  • When unable to maintain 2m(6 ft), erect a physical barrier between workers; if a physical barrier is not practicable, workers should wear a clean cloth mask(bandana) that covers their nose and mouth



Area Assessed 

Site Washrooms-classroom and training site 

External Exposure Potential


Internal Exposure Potential 


Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures

  • Clean and sanitizer high touch surfaces daily twice daily at the start and end of each day

  • Regular hand washing or the use of hand sanitizer after using the washroom

  • Post hand washing instructions and reminders

  • Restrict access to washroom facilities to employees only

  • Remove garbage at the end of each day



Area Assessed 


External Exposure Potential


Internal Exposure Potential 

Other workers,

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures

  • Wipe down and clean with a disinfecting agent such as disposable wipes shared tools and equipment between uses by different users; 

  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after wiping down and cleaning shared tools and equipment and/or after removing rubber gloves.

  • Regular hand washing or the use of hand sanitizer

  • Post hand washing instructions and reminders 

  • Provide training to workers on cleaning tools

  • Do not share PPE with other workers



Area Assessed 

Mobile Equipment and Shuttle Bus

External Exposure Potential

Community interaction—fuelling stations; mechanics

Internal Exposure Potential 

Company mobile equipment operators

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures

  • Limit a single driver (no passengers) in the company owned vehicles 

  • Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer before and after the vehicle ride; after wiping down and cleaning common surfaces; and after fuelling up.

  • Drivers wipe down and clean with a disinfecting agent frequently touched surfaces in the vehicle before and at the end of each trip

  • Remove waste from mobile equipment at the end of each day

  • Minimize contact with crowds and public places.

  • Establish a reporting system for workers who typically travel alone

  • Maintain physical distancing when fuelling up

  • Utilize “pay at the pump” services

  • Use a glove or paper towel when entering codes or pushing buttons as well as handling the gas pump equipment



Area Assessed 

SIM Centre Training Site

External Exposure Potential

Visitors, other contractors 

Internal Exposure Potential 

Trainers, Students

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures 

  • Hold site meetings outside or in open spaces.

  • Conduct daily safety briefings—reinforce measures to prevent infection and transmission including that of frequent hand washing and avoidance of touching your face

  • Maintain physical distancing of 2m (6 ft) from other individuals at all times 

  • Upon arrival, all individuals must complete the pre-screening worksite access form prior to completing any interaction with any company staff

  • Workers must complete a daily health check before commencing work.



Area Assessed 

Travelling to the training site —School Shuttle

External Exposure Potential

Visitors, other contractors, community contact-fuelling stations 

Internal Exposure Potential 

Students, Trainers, Shuttle Driver

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures 

  • Drivers wipe down and clean with a disinfecting agent (such as a disposable wipe) frequently touched surfaces in the vehicle before and at the end of each trip

  • Remove garbage from vehicle daily

  • Workers must complete a daily health check daily prior to getting into the vehicle; if feeling unwell, report to supervisor and stay away from work; follow isolation procedures

  • Driver must complete daily pre-trip form 

  • Where possible, employees should travel to and from the worksite with no more than two to a vehicle preferably seated in the driver side front and passenger side rear.  Where employees are forced to be less than 2 m apart, 

  • Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer before and after the vehicle ride; after wiping down and cleaning common surfaces; and after fuelling up.

  • Maintain physical distancing (2 meters/6 ft) when outside of vehicle

  • Utilize “pay at the pump” services

  • Use a glove or paper towel when entering codes or pushing buttons as well as handling the gas pump equipment



Area Assessed 

Construction and Logging Equipment

External Exposure Potential

Maintenance teams; 

Internal Exposure Potential 

Mobile equipment operators

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures 

  • Limit a single mobile equipment operator/mobile equipment

  • Mobile equipment operator will wipe down and clean with a disinfecting agent (such as a disposable wipe) frequently touched surfaces in the mobile equipment before and at the end of each day

  • Remove garbage from mobile equipment at the end of each shift

  • Physical distancing (2 meters/6 ft) when outside of mobile equipment

  • Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer before entering and after exiting the mobile equipment; after wiping down and cleaning common surfaces; and after fuelling up.

  • Use a glove or paper towel when entering codes or pushing buttons as well as handling the gas pump equipment



Area Assessed 

First aid response

External Exposure Potential


Internal Exposure Potential 

First aiders

Initial Risk Exposure 


Post Control Measures Risk of Exposure


Control Measures 

  • Maintain physical distancing of 2m(6 ft) if able to do so; in situations where physical distancing cannot be maintained PPE must be worn

  • Clean after each first aid assessment or daily, whichever is greater

  • Regular handwashing or the use of hand sanitizer

  •  Post hand washing instructions and reminders 

  • Clean common areas and surfaces at the start and end of the day

  • At a minimum, sanitize personal work areas daily

  • Increased PPE

  • Patient showing NO signs of respiratory illness:  

  • Safety glasses, full face shield and disposable nitrile gloves

  • Patient showing signs of respiratory illness:

  • Coveralls (disposable apron), N95 face mask and a second set of disposable nitrile gloves.





  • Prior to entering the operation, individuals must complete the pre-screening COVID-19 worksite access questionaire.

  • Workers and others showing symptoms of COVID-19 or who are contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case are prohibited from the workplace.


  • PPE (face masks/bandanas) and disposable gloves will be provided by the company.

  • Current Safe Work Parctices/Job Safety Analysis will define the minimum PPE required for your job or task


  • Visitor access to the operation is prohibted without prior approval arrangements made through O’Brien Training Ltd. supervisors. 


  • All common areas and surfaces will be cleaned following the sanitation schedule outlined in the Sanitation procedure


  • Garbage will be removed following the sanitation schedule outlined in the Sanitation procedure


  • On the first day of work all workers must practice in COVID-19 training and education.

  • Training and education must also be provided to individuals (i.e. service providers, visitors, contractors, and other parties) who are granted access to the worksite by O’Brien Training Ltd. staff.

  • As part of the daily safety briefing, workers will be reminded of measures to prevent infection and transmission including that frequent handwashing and avoidance of face touching prevents infectious transmission.

  • Posters and printed reminders must be displayed in conspious locations 


Proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others, therefore immediately:

  • Each person is required to wash their hands with disinfecting soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds and/or use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided:

  • Before eating or preparing food

  • After coughing, sneezing or blowing one’s nose

  • Before and after contact with an ill person

  • Before entering and after exiting a vehicle to be transported

  • After touching dirty surfaces, such as taps and doorknobs, 

  • After going to the bathroom

  • After removing PPE (face masks, disposable gloves)

  • Alcohol based hand sanitizer will be provided when there is no hand washing facilities available. 

  • All employees must avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth

  • When coughing or sneezing all employees must:

  • cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of their arm

  • dispose of any used tissues as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash hands immediately afterwards

  • All employees must not share eating utensils or glasses, drinks, or towels. 

  • All employees will sanitize the lunchroom table area in front of them prior to and after eating. Sanitizer and paper towel will be provided. 



  • Mobile equipment/vehicle operator will wipe down and clean with a disinfecting agent frequently touched surfaces in the mobile equipment/vehicle before and at the end of each outlined in the Daily Pre-Trip form.  

  • Dispose of any used wipes in the garbage 

  • Remove garbage from mobile equipment/vehicles at the end of each shift.


  • It is imperative that everyone practice physical distancing control measures as outlined by provincial and federal governments.  This includes:  

  • While being transported between work locations

  • While working

  • During breaks or while in communal spaces, or 

  • At any other time where workers may gather

  • During off-duty hours workers must continue to practice physical distancing, and

  • During all group activities including site meeting shall be held in open spaces or outside

  • Avoid  non-essential gatherings 

  • Avoid touch-based greetings such as handshakes 

  • Avoid crowded places 

  • Keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 meters/6 feet) from others; 

  • In situations where workers are required to work together in close proximity to complete tasks, utilize work pods; the number of workers in each work pod should be kept to a minimum and be six or less.

  • Frequent hand washing or the use of hand sanitizer before and after work activitiy.


  • In situations where worekrs are required to travel together in vehicles, designate work pods so that the same workers travel to and from the worksite in the same vehicle daily

  • The size of the work pod must not exceed the total number of seats in the crew vehicle

  • Hands must be washed using soap and water or hand sanitizer before and after the vehicle ride.

  • Maintain a current list of designated work pods; record any reassignment of members among those work pods


  • Reduce in-person meetings, other gatherings; hold site meetings in open spaces or outside

  • Maintain physical distancing (2 meters/6 feet) from others

  • Wash hands before and after breaks, after going to the washroom and beofre preparing or eating food. 

  • If employees are sick, notify supervisor immediately 

  • Do not share food or unwashed plated, cups or utensils.

  • Practice respiratory etiquette.


  • Wipe down shared tools and equipment with a disinfecting agent between uses by different workers 

  • Do not share PPE with other workers

  • Identify specialized PPE as to who the owner is.


  • Daily health checks for all workers prior to proceeding to the work site

  • Protocols in place for workers to report symptoms to the Coordinator and not return to work until they have been reassessed by their medical provider.

  • Maintain a daily log and health screening checklist of employees present at the worksite

Document all work absences or suspected communicable disease cases; monitor for changes from baseline illness rate


  • If available, provide individaul with surgical mask or tissues to cover their nose and mouth

  • Promptly move the individual to an area sperate from the others.

  • If worker unable to safely travel home in their own vehicle, the worker will be transported home in a company vehicle.

  • Direct the individual to the on-line assessment tool or to a health care provider who will provide advise on next steps.

  • If urgent medical care is required—call 9-1-1/local emergency number


  • Maintain contact with nearby communities to stay informed of neighbouring outbreaks

  • Maintain communication with all key players on their role in infectious disease prevention and monitoring

  • Hold regular meetings with the Communicable Disease Management Team (CDMT) meetings to review the ECP and the effectiveness of infection control procedure.




O’Brien Training Ltd. will ensure that all personnel receive training in the following:

  • The risk of exposure to COVID-19

  • Sings/symptoms of the disease

  • Safe work practices to be followed (e.g. proper hand washing, social distancing, cough/sneeze etiquette and task specific procedures)

  • Location of washing facilities, and

  • Exposure and/or symptoms reporting requirements

  • First Nations Sensitivity Training

Workers will be required to review this ECP and sign off to acknowledge their review, understanding and commitment to follow the requirements as outlined.



Exposure to COVID-19 can occur via:

  • Direct contact with droplets generated by coughing/sneezing

  • Close contact with other people (e.g. shaking hands, hugging) and/or

  • Touching contaminated surface and then touching the face, mouth, eyes or food.

Health Effects

COVID-19 is a global pandemic and public health emergency.  It is a virus that can cause severe respiratory illness that can lead to hospitalization and death.  Most individuals do not have any immunity to the virus.  Individuals with pre-existing health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and lung disease and those with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of hospitalization and death. 

Symptoms of Exposure and Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever

  • Sore throat

  • Cough

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Sneezing

  • Runny Nose

  • Fatigue

  • Vomiting



All workers who become symptomatic while away from work are not permitted to report to work and must follow the recommendations of a health care practitioner and/or the Federal and Provincial Center for Disease Control.  Any worker who becomes symptomatic while at work must immediately report their symptoms to a supervisor and must follow their instructions.

Workers will only be permitted to return to work once they have recovered from their illness and have been approved by a medical professional and/or meet the requirements of the Federal and Provincial Centers for Disease Control and have meet with and been cleared by the company to return to the worksite. 


The local Medical Health Officer must be notified immediately if there is an outbreak or if there is a suspicion of an outbreak.

An outbreak is when two or more cases of fever and/or respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, etc) are detected in workers and/or staff within a 12-day period, with at least one case identified as worker, OR if any worker or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19.


  • O’Brien Training Ltd. -COVID-19 Infection safe work plan and procedures

  • O’Brien Training Ltd. -COVID-19 Worksite Access Questionnaire

  • COVID-19 checklists 

  • Worker instruction/training records



All workers who present with illness will be confidentially treated by the first aid attendant and supervisor.  




This procedure addresses the housekeeping and sanitation efforts to maintain the worksite, tools, equipment, and mobile equipment including vehicles free from virus and disease.


The designated person(s) will be required to wear impermeable gloves like disposable nitrile gloves or dishwashing gloves while performing their duties cleaning and sanitizing and removing garbage and waste.    Anyone performing sanitation or handling waste must remove their gloves and immediately wash their hands with soap or use the 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

A disinfecting agent will be provided to clean and sanitize common and frequently touched surfaces; shared tools and equipment.  

A dilute bleach solution can be used to clean and sanitize larger common surfaces.

Bleach Procedure

Preparation—make a fresh bleach solution at least every 24 hours to maintain disinfecting effectiveness:

  • Wear PPE—rubber or nitrile gloves and safety glasses—safety glasses can be removed after mixing and pouring the dilute bleach solution into a spray bottle

  • Mix 1/3 cup of household bleach/1 gallon of water OR 2Tablespoons of household bleach /quart of water

Cleaning and disinfecting with dilute bleach solution

  1. Wash surfaces with hot and soapy water, clean up excess water

  2. Spray surfaces with dilute bleach solution and allow to sit for 10 minutes.  Recommend cleaning and spraying all surfaces in a sequence so the dilute bleach solution is able to sit undisturbed for 10 full minutes.

  3. Rinse all surfaces with hot water and clean designated cloths

Housekeeping and Sanitation Schedule




Person responsible

Vehicle/Mobile equipment

Frequently touched surfaces:

  • door handles (inside and out), 

  • window buttons, 

  • steering wheel and controls, 

  • wiper and turn signal handles, 

  • shifter, 

  • dash controls and buttons, 

  • ventilation grilles and knobs, 

  • rear view mirror 

  • arm rests.

  • radios

Before and end of day 


Common areas

Door handles, railings, ladders, switches, and controls

Start and end of day

Designated person

Shared tools and equipment


Start and end of day; between users

Person using the tools/equipment


Sinks, taps and toilets

Start and end of day

Designated person

Bulletin postings 

Surfaces that may be touched and plexi glass covering

Start and end of day

Designated person

Personal work surfaces



Person using the space

Garbage and waste removal

Waste receptacles in office and shop


Designated person

Garbage and waste removal

Mobile equipment and vehicles



First Aid Dressing Station

Common areas and surfaces; equipment; frequently touched surfaces

Start and end of day; after providing care

First Aid Attendant


Maintaining Inventory and Equipment

It is the designated person(s) role to maintain the inventory of soap, paper towels, 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, bleach and disposable disinfecting wipes.

Garbage and Waste Removal

Waste receptacle must be lined with a sturdy, leak resistant garbage bag.  Smaller waste receptacle can be dumped into larger containers that are lined with a sturdy garbage bag to compile waste. If a garbage bag is punctured or contaminated, it should be placed into a second bag.  Garbage bags will be tied and deposited into a bin designated for containing waste.  

Critical task coverage

If the designated person(s) is unable to perform their assigned duties with regards to cleaning and sanitizing and removing garbage and waste, the supervisor will appoint and train an alternate person and follow up that the trainee is performing effectively and with competency.



This procedure will affect worksite access for employees, service providers, visitors, students and other parties to the training site.

Definition of the worksite

For the purpose of this document training site is defined as the O’Brien Training Ltd-Construction Site. located on Lower Mud River Road, 5 km’s off Hwy 16 and the office is located at 1320 2nd Avenue, Prince George, BC.

Visitor protocols for the worksite

Visitor access to the worksite is prohibited without prior approval by the applicable worksite supervisor. 

Pre-Screening Access:

The applicable worksite supervisor must be notified of any person other than an employee requiring access to the worksite.  Any person intending to access the site must first complete the COVID-19 Worksite Access questionnaire and will not be permitted access until the screening questionnaire has been completed and approved by the company’s supervisor.  Anyone who does not pass the COVID-19 Worksite Access questionnaire or indicates that they are exhibiting signs and symptoms of COVID-19 will be denied entrance and asked to leave. 

  • All persons arriving in Canada must quarantine for 14 days under the Quarantine Act and monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. 

  • All international travellers returning to British Columbia are required by law to self-isolate for 14 days upon their arrival and complete a self-isolation plan. 

Site Procedure

Upon arrival at the worksite any person other than an employee must contact the worksite supervisor prior to entering the worksite.  A site orientation will be completed while maintaining physical distancing.  The site orientation will include COVID-19 safety measures and procedures, physical distancing, proper hygiene practices, and monitoring and reporting illness.  When on the site physical distancing must be maintained whenever possible.  Whenever this is not feasible a face covering (face mask or bandana) must be worn.  After removing face covering, wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

Meetings and Paperwork

Meetings will be held in open spaces or outside while maintaining physical distancing whenever possible. Use disposable gloves when handling paperwork.  After handling paperwork remove gloves and wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

Vehicle Access

No access to any company vehicle will be permitted to outside or non-company personnel.  If a need should arise to use a radio, assistance with a flat tire or getting unstuck, or any other troubleshooting experience, physical distancing must be maintained.  If possible, each person should access their own vehicles and equipment to prevent cross contamination.  When using shared tools and equipment, disposable gloves and face mask must be worn. Disinfect tools and equipment using disposable disinfecting wipes before replacing the tools and equipment in the vehicle.  

If a non-rider designated for a particular vehicle should require a ride in which not providing a ride could be hazardous for this person, such as a stranded or breakdown situation, this rider will be required to wear a face mask and disposable gloves, reduce contamination with shielding and barriers and/or ride in a vehicle with minimum passengers.  The vehicle must be meticulously cleaned and disinfected post event. 

All company vehicles are to be wiped down before and after each trip and hands must be cleaned using alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after the vehicle ride.





This procedure will affect anyone providing training or participating in training.


Training procedure

On the first day of work all workers must participate in COVID-19 training and education. This training must include COVID-19 safety measures and procedures, physical distancing, proper hygiene practices and monitoring and reporting illness. 


Training and education must be provided in both English and the language that best suited for  the workers (i.e. if English is not their first language)


InPerson Training

Whenever possible training will be delivered using an on-line delivery platform.  If training is done in person ensure physical distancing is maintained and limit groups to 5-15 people. Clean and sanitize using disposable disinfecting wipes all shared equipment used during training i.e. laptops, keyboards, between users. Before and after in person training clean and sanitize all common areas and surfaces. Do not shar personal items or supplies such as pens, notebooks, etc. 


Driver Training

Vehicles used for driver training must be cleaned and sanitized before and after each driver training “trip”.  Occupants will wear masks when in the vehicle. 


Hands-On Training:

When demostrating to someone a technique or method, have them stand further away, in a good vieing place, able to observe the demonstration while maintaining physical distancing. When physical distancing is not practicable, face masks and disposable gloves must be worn by both the trainer and trainee(s).


Wear disposable gloves if sharing equipment or toos and clean and disinfect equipment and tools before and after use and between users. 


Handling Paperwork

Wear disposable gloves when handling paperwork tocuhed by others will be handled by others  unless it is sitting for 24 hours and thus free of potential contamination. 




This procedure will affect anyone conducting one-on one meetings, larger worksite meetings or communicaiton


Handling paperwork

Wear disposable gloves when handling paperwork tocuhed by others will be handled by others  unless it is sitting for 24 hours and thus free of potential contamination. 


Holding Meetings

Reduce in-person meetings and other gatherings and hold site meetings in open spaces or outside; everyone in attendance must maintain minimum physical distancing of 2 meters.


As part of the daily safety briefing, students and trainers will be reminded of measures to prevent infection and transmission including that frequent handwashing and avoidance of face touching prevents infectious transmission. 


Tailgate meetings should be held in a location that can provide seating with two people at each table end to end and nobody within two meters of each other. 



All communications including posters and printed reminders will be posted behind plexi-glass where possible or laminated and reugaly sanitized and included in the Housekeeping and Sanitation Checklist. 


Posters and printed reminders must be displayed in conspicuous places.   


Display posters that illustrate to: 

  • cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow when you sneeze or cough;  

  • dispose of used tissues immediately;  

  • wash your hands; and, 

  • avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.


Updates and Postings

Updated COVID information will be maintained on the bulletin board.  This information will also be communicated through JHSC meetings that will be posted. 





This procedure outlines how the company monitors workers daily for COVID-19 like symptoms, what to do when the workers are ill, who the workers will report symptoms to and the plan to support self-isolation of ill workers.  It also includes how to notify the local medical health offiicer if there is an outbreak or suspicion of an outbreak.


Monitoring the well being of workers


All employees will begin their day with a wellness check.  This check will be given to O’Brien Training Ltd. employees prior to entering the logging trucks, the shop or the office; the check will be given to O’Brien Training Ltd. students and employees prior to boarding the company shuttle bus and company vehicle for transporting to the training site.  The wellness check is completed by answering the following question:

Do you have a fever, a cough, a sore throat, or a runny nose?


If the worker answered “yes” to this question and does not suffer from allergies or other sinus issues the worker must report to the supervisor while maintaining physical distancing (e.g. reporting by phone), return home, begin self isolation immediately and complete a self assessment. This can be done online at :


If the worker becomes ill while on the worksite and cannot drive themselves back to their residence then the worker will be tranpsorted back to their home in a company vehicle.  The ill worker will ride in the back seat on the passenger seat opposite to the driver in the front seat.  Both the driver and the passenger will wear face masks and disposable gloves.  The driver will open and close the doors for the ill worker.  Upon delivering the worker to their home, the driver will immediately sanitize the vehicle. 


Employees or students who are sick will not be allowed to return to the training until they are medically cleared or symptom free.  The trainer or student(s) must show proof of the self assessment indicating that they can come back to the training site or SIM Centre or office classroom.


Self Isolation

The following workers are not to come to work and must begin self-isolation:

  • Workers who are ill, whether or not the illness has been confirmed as COVID-19

  • Workers with COVID-19 like symptoms must begin self-isolation and be reassessed for when they can return to work

  • Workers who share a resindence with a person who has been exposed to COVID-19


Self isolation should continue at home for a period determined by the self assessment tool or in consultation with the worker’s medical provider.


In all cases, isolation must continue until a fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medications, for example, Tylenol, Advil AND symptoms improve—improvement in runny nose, sore throat, nausea, voimiting, diarrhea and fatigue.


Workers have personal access to medical support for COVID-19 by dialing 8-1-1 or thorugh their medical provider.


If the assessment indicates the individual should be tested, individual must self-isolate pending the outcome of testing and notify supervisor of results as soon as possible.


Any testing for COVID-19 will be done in accordance with the BCCDC’s up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 testing protocols. 

  • If a worker tests positive for COVID-19, they must self-isolate for a minimum of 10 days from symptom onset AND ensure their symptoms, including fever, have completely resolved. 

  • If a worker tests negative for COVID-19, they must self-isolate until their common cold or influenza like symptoms have completely resolved. 


Notifying Local Medical Health Officer of an outbreak


The company must notify the local medical health if there is an outbreak or if there is a suspicious of an outbreak


An outbreak is when two or more cases of fever and/or respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, etc.) are detected at the worksite and at least one employee at the worksite is diagnosed with COVID-19


To reach the local medical health officer for the Northern Region:


Northern Health - Communicable Disease Hub Phone (during business hours): 1-855-565-2990 On-call medical health officer after hours phone:  1-250-565-2000, press 7 and ask for the medical health officer on call 

Monitoring Close Contacts of COVID-19 Cases

Employees who are contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case, meaning they been, or could have been exposed to the virus, but do not have symptoms and/or have arrived in Canada location must quarantine at home for 14 days;  immediately self-isolate if symptoms develop.  All international travelers returning to Canada must self-isolate for 14 days upon their arrival and complete a self-isolation plan.

Employees should call 8-1-1 or their medical provider to determine any necessary next step. 




This procedure will affect transportation of workers in company vehicles to and from the worksite or any other use of company vehicles to transport workers or company personnel.

Definitions of Company Personnel and Company Vehicles--Company personnel includes anyone employed by the company and does not include contractors.  Company vehicles does not include personal vehicles or contractor vehicles but rather vehicles owned by the company and operated by company personnel.

Company Vehicle Sanitation

A sanitation kit will be in each vehicle for sanitation efforts by the driver/mobile equipment operator; the driver/mobile equipment operator is responsible for ensuring the sanitation kit is stocked.  If restocking is required, contact your Supervisor. 

All company vehicles and mobile equipment will have a sanitation kit on board for sanitizing the vehicle/mobile equipment and to facilitate the requirement to sanitize hands prior to entering. The driver/equipment operator must sanitize the company vehicle/mobile equipment twice daily including the door handles and interior handles, steering wheel, dashboard and glove box, levers, radio dials and mike, and seatbelt components. The driver is required to ensure the sanitation of the vehicle is maintained two times daily plus throughout daily operation as required and that the same people ride in the vehicle daily with sanitized hands.  Remove garbage from vehicle daily.

Riding in a Company Vehicle

Sanitize hands prior to entry whether riding in a company vehicle to and from the worksite.  Workers will ride in the same vehicle each day while required by current worksite procedures to minimize exposure to COVID-19.  Workers will wear face masks while riding in company vehicles unless there are so few passengers in the vehicle that physical distancing requirements are easily maintained (at least two meters) or until the requirement for PPE has changed.  Workers will travel with windows open when practicable to increase ventilation.  Do not consume food in the vehicle.  Reduce passenger numbers when possible.  

Fueling Up

When accessing fuel stations, sanitize equipment before and after handling (ie fueling up).  Maintain physical distancing from other customers.  Utilize “pay at the pump” services to avoid contact with service counters and keypads during payment.  Use a glove or paper towel when entering codes or pushing buttons as well as handling the gas pump equipment.

Completing Pre-trip Inspections

The same vehicle operator will complete daily pre-trip inspections and therefore will not need to further sanitize dip sticks, latches or controls.  If another operator is conducting the pre-trip inspections, sanitize before and after or use disposable gloves to complete these tasks.  Pre-trip paperwork is not contaminated after multiple days or when completed by the same person so when completing paperwork, use PPE (disposable gloves) if cross-contamination possible.

Vehicle Access by Non-company Personnel

No access to any company vehicle will be permitted to outside or non-company personnel.  If a need should arise to use a radio, assistance with a flat tire or getting unstuck, or any other troubleshooting experience, physical distancing will be maintained, gloves and masks will be worn to use tools and equipment that could be shared, disinfecting will occur before replacing such equipment in the vehicle and if possible, each person will access their own vehicle and equipment to avoid cross-contamination.  

If a non-rider designated for a particular vehicle should require a ride in which not providing a ride could be hazardous for this person, such as a stranded or breakdown situation, this rider will be required to wear a mask and gloves, reduce contamination with shielding and barriers and/or ride in a vehicle with minimum passengers and the vehicle will be meticulously decontaminated post event.

Community Contact and First Nations Contact

Respect the communities in which we work to protect them and the workforce being transported.  Eliminate unnecessary contact with isolated communities, including all First Nations communities as they have limited medical resources, vulnerable populations of Elders, and may have a higher level of vulnerability to COVID-19.  Respect for small communities is mandatory.



This procedure will affect any first aid attendants treating non-emergency and emergency situations as well as supporting workers presenting with illness that could be related to the coronavirus.  An emergency situation will require the donning of full PPE as first aid attendants have been trained and a hazard assessment upon arrival on scene as per training.  Non-emergency allows a first aid attendant to still conduct a hazard assessment and to wear PPE required through training although if treatment can be completed without coming within two meters of a patient, this should be practiced.  No first aid attendant is required to treat a non-emergency COVID-19 suspected patient and this patient can be referred to medical aid.

Definitions of Emergency and Non-emergency—life threatening or the threat of significant injury worsening without immediate response, like loss of limb or function, is considered an emergency and a non-emergency is smaller wound treatment

First Aid Attendant Risk Assessment

The results of the risk assessment indicate a first aid attendant is at high risk for contracting COVID-19 due to potential close proximity of the first aid attendant and patient when conducting first aid and therefore, emphasis during any assessment will be on first, maintaining physical distancing when possible asking questions with two meters distance.  PPE will be utilized when the patient presents with flu like symptoms and to protect attendants when providing treatment.

First Aid Attendant Certifications

WorkSafeBC has allowed an automatic extension for all OFA certificates and equivalent certificates (issued in B.C.; CRC Emergency and Standard, and SJA Emergency and Standard for Industry, Med Air, Lifesaving Society) for 90 days. This extension applies to any certificate expiring March 1, 2020 or later.


First Aid Attendant Procedure – Non-Treatment

First Aid Attendants will provide care for all patients following their training.

With every patient, the first aid attendant will maintain physical distancing (at least two meters) while conducting the scene assessment and Priority Action Approach with minor wounds as Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a hazard.  If able to continue assessment with physical distancing, do so.  If treatment required, follow procedures including PPE usage.


Complete the first aid assessment and if questions were asked without contact or treatment, record these details in the treatment section.  All paperwork will be signed but do not share pens and handle paperwork wearing gloves.


First Aid Attendant Procedure – Treatment Required

A patient requiring treatment will indicate appropriate PPE must be used to maintain the safety of both the attendant and the patient.  PPE will include gloves and a bandana or face mask for both the patient and first aid attendant whenever social distancing barriers cannot be maintained.

When a patient presents with flu like symptoms, the first aid attendant will maintain social distancing if possible and if not possible, due to treatment required (ie emergency care), the first aid attendant will consider all clothing being worn contaminated if coveralls or aprons are not available to be worn to protect clothing.  

Face shields are available as further PPE if required.


PPE required for all First Aid Cases


Face shield, eyeglasses and disposable gloves.  If worker is exhibiting signs of respiratory illness, the following must be worn as well:

● Gown, coveralls or disposable coveralls

● N95 Respirator or higher

● 2nd pair of gloves (preferably a different colour, if a different colour is available, not mandatory)


PPE Procedures

Prior to Donning PPE:  Donning PPE must always take place in an area where it is safe to be without PPE, gather all the PPE items, don all PPE prior to entering the patient care area.

Don PPE in the following order:

  1. Perform hand hygiene

  2. Gown/coveralls (if worker is showing signs of respiratory illness)

  3. N95 Respirator (if worker is showing signs of respiratory illness)

  4. Face shield

  5. Eyeglasses

  6. Disposable Gloves (2nd second set of gloves if worker is showing signs of respiratory illness)

As you provide care to patients, take precautions to keep from contaminating yourself or your PPE

Doffing PPE following these procedures:

Doffing PPE begins in the patient room at the exit.  Position yourself close to the exit near the waste container.

Doff PPE in the following order:

  1. Perform hand hygiene (soap & water for 20 seconds)

  2. Gown/coveralls (if linen, to be put into laundry)

  3. Gloves

  4. Perform hand hygiene (soap & water for 20 seconds)

  5. Face shield/eye protection (glasses)

  6. Exit patient room (only PPE remaining is your N95 respirator)

  7. Perform hand hygiene (soap & water for 20 seconds)

  8. N95 Respirator

  9. Perform hand hygiene (soap & water for 20 seconds)

 All items that are not disposable as well as all hard surfaces in the first aid room shall be disinfected after use following protocols outlined in first aid training. 

Linen and Waste

Waste and contaminated linens do not require special handling for COVID-19.  Wear disposable gloves and masks when handling contaminated waste and linens. 

Contaminated linens will be bagged in an orange garbage bag.  Do not shake dirty items; wear disposable gloves and face mask when handling waste and contaminated linen.  Contaminated linen should be wash with regular laundry soap and hot water (60-90℃).  Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after removing your gloves.

First Aid Dressing Station/Room Disinfecting Requirements

After providing care, surfaces and non-disposable PPE will be disinfected by the First Aid Attendant and hands will be washed.

Follow the disinfecting cleaning with bleach procedures:  

  1. Step One – Preparation – make a new sanitizing solution at least every 24 hours to maintain disinfecting effectiveness

  • Wear PPE to make a sanitizing solution: rubber or nitrile gloves and safety glasses – safety glasses can be removed after mixing and pouring solution into a spray bottle.

  1. Step Two – sanitizing solution: 1/3 cup of bleach per 1 gallon of water or 2 Tablespoons of bleach per quart of water

  2. Step Three – wash surfaces with hot and soapy water, clean up excess water.

  3. Step Four – spray surfaces with bleach solution and allow to sit for 10 minutes.  Recommend cleaning and spraying all surfaces in a sequence so bleach is able to sit undisturbed for 10 full minutes.

  4. Step Five – rinse all surfaces with hot water and clean designated cloths.

  5. Step Six – use leftover bleach solution to launder cleaning cloths and hang to dry.

  6. Step Seven – wash hands with soap and water after removing gloves.


Further, sanitization of the first aid facilities is included in the daily duties of the first Aid Attendant.  


Patient Presenting with COVID-19


In the worksite situation, we ask first aid attendants to maintain physical distancing and follow the procedures for non-treatment.  If the worker becomes ill while on the worksite and cannot drive themselves back to their residence to begin their self-isolation period, to reduce exposure, only the driver and injured worker will travel to the community to access medical aid; they will sit in opposite seats with the greatest distance apart and they will wear gloves and face masks to travel to the community, new gloves within the community, and a new face mask and gloves to return from the community.  The vehicle will be sanitized prior to driving to the community and again post trip or upon return. 


Medical Aid


Anyone requiring or seeking medical aid for any non-emergency will be permitted and transported to the doctor or ER.  To reduce exposure, only the driver and injured worker will travel to the community to access medical aid; they will sit in opposite seats with the greatest distance apart and they will wear gloves and face masks to travel to the community, new gloves within the community, and a new face mask and gloves to return from the community.  The vehicle will be sanitized prior to driving to the community and again post trip or upon return.

In an emergency, the same protocols will be followed although a pre-trip sanitization may not be possible and PPE will not be required for the injured worker.


More Urgent Medical Care


If a patient is presenting with worsening conditions including difficulty breathing, treat patient as trained with priority action approach and determine if more urgent medical care is required like difficulty breathing that has persisted or is now potentially compromising patient’s oxygenation.  Follow emergency medical procedures calling 911 and preparing the ETV to transport patient immediately.







DO safety remove excess liquid before hand

DO change gloves when heavily soiled or if torn

DON’T touch surfaces-door handles, keyboard, computer, etc. with contaminated gloves

DON’T touch your face adjust PPE with contaminated gloves

DON’T use one glove, and then pull the other glove off by the fingertips.

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